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National organization honors Boundless employee as Ohio DSP of the year

National organization honors Boundless employee as Ohio DSP of the year

Ask Hope Johnson to describe what she does, and her answer – Just about everything! – says a lot about...
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Families, providers invited to FCBDD Provider Fair

Families, providers invited to FCBDD Provider Fair

For the first time since 2019, the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities is hosting an in-person provider fair to...
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Perspective: DD Awareness and moving forward

Perspective: DD Awareness and moving forward

This past month was DD Awareness Month, and it is exciting to see how far things have come just since...
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FCBDD welcomes new manager of provider support and review

FCBDD welcomes new manager of provider support and review

After more than two decades of work at public child-welfare and disabilities agencies, Marla Battiste has read through thousands of...
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Legislative Advocacy Day event is Friday, March 31

Legislative Advocacy Day event is Friday, March 31

People with developmental disabilities will have the opportunity to speak directly to central Ohio lawmakers during an advocacy forum March...
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