Individuals with a waiver and/or their guardians have the right to choose any qualified and willing
provider from among those available anywhere within Ohio.
If the individual or guardian wants to choose a provider and knows which provider is desired, he/she should inform their Service Coordinator.
The Service Coordinator will then:
- Schedule an Individual Service Plan (ISP) meeting to plan specific waiver services
- Complete an ISP/Payment Authorization for Waiver Services (PAWS) and set a start date for services
- Provide a written copy of the hearing rights
If the individual or guardian does not know which provider to use, the Service Coordinator can assist in selecting a provider by:
- Telling the individual or guardian about the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) website, and how it can help one select an approved Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) provider based on service needs. (For instructions on how to use the website, go to the bottom of this page.)
- Helping the individual or guardian use the website including the option of creating an online profile to store service preferences, funding source, and other information to share with prospective providers. This also allows one to save information on providers to consider.
- Providing the individual or guardian with the department’s “Service Provider Interview Guide This link opens a pdf in a new tab.”.
- Providing the individual or guardian objective information about providers, including reports of provider compliance reviews, plans of correction submitted by providers, and any information about services offered by the provider to meet the unique needs of a specific group of individuals such as aging adults, an individual looking for an art program, or individuals with intense medical or behavioral needs.
- Referring the individual to consumer advocacy groups for more information about providers.
- Setting up interviews with any of the providers the individual or Guardian wants to talk with before making a final choice.
Once a final choice is made, the Service Coordinator will schedule and complete the Individual Service Plan (ISP) with the team, establish a start date for services and provide a written copy of the state hearing rights.
The Connector:
‘The Connector’ is a pilot program of the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities designed to ‘connect’ families with service Providers. For questions regarding ‘The Connector’ program, call 614-475-6440 and ask for Joni Sparks.
Click on the forms below for a description of the program and forms that can be printed for families to request provider information or for Providers to participate.
‘The Connector’ – Program Description
‘The Connector’ – Provider Request Form
‘The Connector’ – Provider Profile Form
Instructions for using the Department of Developmental Disabilities Website:
- Visit the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities website This link opens a different website in a new tab.
- Click on the header “Provider Search” at the top left of the page
- Click “Start a Search” on the right of page
- Now answer questions 1 – 4 and then click on “Search” and the results will appear
Provider Guide Plus:
In response to many requests from parents, guardians, and individuals over the years, a collaborative work group has developed this on-line tool to be used to review providers of services for people with developmental disabilities in Ohio.
This easy-to-use online tool is called ProviderGuidePlus. It is intended to help people select a provider and help improve overall services. It allows people to post public reviews on providers’ services and to read others’ reviews.
- Click here to visit Provider Guide Plus This link opens a different website in a new tab.