
Services offered or supported by the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities are provided at numerous sites throughout Franklin County, including community employment and supported living locations and contract agency locations.

The following directory provides information on some of these sites and departments located in Columbus, Ohio. For details on contract agency locations or phone numbers or other sites operated by FCBDD, call 614-475-6440.

List of locations that provide services offered by FCBDD
Department Address Phone #
Intake Office 1650 Watermark Dr., Columbus, OH 43215 614-342-5490
Major Unusual Incidents (MUI) /24 Hour # 1650 Watermark Dr., Columbus, OH 43215 614-464-2743
Early Childhood Education & Family Center 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-475-0564
Early Childhood Learning Center 4141 Rudy Rd. 43214 614-451-6418
West Central School 1481 W. Town St. 43222 614-276-8231
Psychology Services 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-342-5952
Special Olympics & Recreation 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-342-5989
Family Resources 1021 Checkrein Ave. 43229 614-844-5847
Service Coordination/24 Hour Emergency # 1600 Watermark Dr., Columbus, OH 43215 614-464-2743
Transportation Services 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-475-5910
Administrative Offices 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-475-6440
All Other Departments 2879 Johnstown Rd. 43219 614-475-6440